Wellness Care


Wellness Exams

Did you know that your pet can age between 5 and 8 years to your 1 year?  Annual physical exams are very important for your pet.  Our doctors will give your pet a complete physical from the tip of their nose to the tip of their tail.  Many diseases can be picked up with a good history from the owner and a good physical from the doctor.  How long has it been since your pet has had their check up?  We recommend doing it at least once a year.


We believe in the saying that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.  We carry a full line of vaccines to help protect our patients from infections.  Please ask our staff to help determine what vaccine protocol will be best for your pet. 

Nutritional Counseling

Some pets require special food, and all pets benefit from a balanced diet. Our trained and certified staff is available to help you choose the right diet for your pet to keep him or her happy, healthy and active.

Microchip Identification Implantation

Microchips have helped reunite thousands of pets with their families. We offer the most widely used microchip products to increase the chances of a safe recovery.

Heartworm Prevention

Heartworm prevention is essential for keeping your dog healthy and safe. Heartworms, transmitted by mosquitoes, can cause severe heart and lung disease, leading to serious health complications or even death. Preventative measures include monthly chewable tablets, topical treatments, or injections administered by a veterinarian every six months. Regular heartworm prevention is crucial as treatment for an existing infection is complex, costly, and risky. Consult your vet to choose the best preventative option and ensure your dog remains protected year-round.

Parasite Control

We offer a comprehensive range of the latest products designed to safely and effectively protect your pets from both internal and external parasites. Our selection includes innovative treatments and preventatives tailored to meet the unique needs of your pets, ensuring their health and well-being are maintained.

Dental Care

Regular professional cleaning is important to maintaining your pet’s teeth. We use modern and safe ultrasound to clean each tooth thoroughly – above and below the gum line. Dental technicians polish teeth to create a smooth, lustrous tooth surface more resistant to plaque buildup. Fluoride treatments help strengthen enamel and reduce tooth sensitivity.   Pets will need to be placed under anesthesia.  We use Sevoflurane, the newest in gas anesthesia, along with pre-anesthesia blood testing, and pulse/oxygenation monitoring during the procedure to help ensure the safety of your pet.

Dental Supplies

The most important part of proper dental care is home care.  We carry a full line of toothbrushes, toothpaste, chew treats, chew toys, mouth washes, etc.  We can find the right product and method for you to help prevent dental disease at home.

veterinarian with animals in little rock
Beige Blob

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